In the dance of the universe, where each step can lead to joy or stumble into sorrow, your verses echo the hard-earned wisdom of life's relentless rhythm. "Bashing the message into every day tragedy," you capture the essence of learning through the bruises of experience. It's a universal schooling, where the heart, in its naive waltz, often misses the beat of cautionary red flags, leading to a "heart... shattered spectacularly."
Your poem speaks to the soul that has felt the sting of lessons repeated, the one who has dared to challenge the universe's stern tutelage only to be reminded of its unyielding nature. Yet, in this poetic classroom, you've grasped the bittersweet curriculum of existence, understanding that "the past is there for a reason," and while its lessons are harsh, they are invaluable.
As you stand, "corrected (once more it seems)," there's a resilience that resonates—a testament to the human spirit's capacity to endure, learn, and, with a hopeful heart, turn the page to a new chapter.
CJ #BeOpenClub